Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Government Benefits is a Solid Program of Goverment

Government benefit programs were implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt after the Great Depression. They are there to benefit the people that are in need. Your race, ethnicity, short, tall, does not matter, everyone needs a little help from time to time. Lifeline, food stamps, and Medicaid are there to help families that do not have the economic strength they should.

Lifeline is a program that offers a discount on phone service for qualifying low income consumers. It is implemented to ensure that all Americans have the opportunities and security that phone service brings, like being able to connect to jobs, family, and emergency services. They can get discount on a house phone but also a cellular device. People that have phones do not know what it is to be without one. You cannot be contacted for a job interview or for a scholarship interview or for an important medical appointment. In 2008, they implemented the prepaid wireless service plans. Those service plans can help you in case you are stranded in the middle of the highway or someone collapses in front of you. 

The Texas Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP helps many Texas make ends meet each month. After paying utilities, transportation, child care, and mobile service, there’s often little left over to buy nutritious food. This program is federally funded to help low income families, elderly people, and single adults. If you do not eat healthy, you can perform at your best whether it is in school or at your job or at home. There has been numerous studies that show that proper nutrition helps children’s brains perform better in school and in state tests.
WIC or Women, Infants, and Children is a program that revitalizes quality nutrition services. It is an evolving process of continuous program improvement involving partners at the Federal, State and local levels. Its main goal is to enhance and strengthen the effectiveness of WIC nutrition services that WIC will continue to be the premiere national public health nutrition program, helping participants achieve and maintain optimal nutrional status. It is not just an aid to buy groceries but also to get Texas families as healthy as possible. The RQNS processes emerged because of two studies. It strengthens nutrition education, it adopts a more behavioral approach in nutrition education, be more client oriented and focus on healthy behaviors for life.
To further improve these programs effectiveness we as people could support the programs. We could help donate or approve of because we all need help once in a while. If we help each other out, when we need help people or the government will help us. The government also needs to further check requirements of the programs. There is some eligible people that do not receive benefits but people that do receive benefits that do not need food assistance or any assistance. Those people should let the people that are in need. Homeless people should also get help getting back on their feet. They should get a suit to go to a job interview or start to make a career path.

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